Driving innovation through learning
Driving innovation through learning
The CICSS Hackathon invites participants to tackle challenges and develop meaningful community solutions.
This beginner computer skills course, introduces computer basics, Internet navigation & simple networking, to get you off to a great start.
Practice networking, IoT, and cybersecurity skills virtually with Cisco Packet Tracer, our powerful simulation and visualization tool.
Explore the exciting field of cybersecurity and why cybersecurity is a future-proof career.
Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills using Cisco Packet Tracer. Practice verifying and troubleshooting network and Internet connectivity.
Wade into the shallow end of Linux, the back-end operating system used by global titans such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, NASA, Tesla, Amazon and more.
Learn how IoT is changing the world and the IoT skills you will need to land a well-paying job.
Develop an understanding of cybercrime, security principles, technologies, and procedures used to defend networks.
Explore what it looks like to be a software developer through an immersive course for beginners that focuses on front-end web development technologies.
Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here! In this workshop, you'll get a taste of a day in the life of a software developer.
Explore what real problems this technology is solving in Web3 101 and learn how to properly manage a crypto wallet to control your own bitcoin and NFTs.
Explore what cybersecurity is all about, through a day-long immersive course that focuses on hands-on usage of the tools and techniques of ethical hackers.
Explore what real problems Web3 technology is solving and learn how you can adopt best practices.
Want to learn to out-hack the hackers? Start here! at the Cayman Code Academy 101 workshop.
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